Friday, February 15, 2013

Prepping for Doomsday with Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Since Micah and I have been dating for 14 years, we kind of stopped giving Valentine's Day gifts A LONG TIME AGO and we're a-ok with that. I'll usually cook a nice dinner (if it's on a weekend) and that's that. 

To my surprise last night, I came home from work at 11:30 p.m. and found this on the counter!
Micah made chocolate covered strawberries + 1 banana and a plate of cheese and crackers! As well as a bottle of Rose. 

Definitely unexpected!

He said the strawberries weren't pretty, but they were still yummy! Tip for all the guys out there: use a double broiler when melting chocolate instead of direct heat.

Micah said all the guys at the grocery store had pre-made chocolate covered strawberries, so he definitely one-upped those fools!

So we ate the goodies, drank the wine and Micah made me watch Doomsday Preps. Romance at its best!!! 

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!